Tuesday 24 November 2009

Pity party

I am feeling a wee bit sorry for myself. An onslaught of flu, a boyfriend in Cape Town, a blow-out in the middle of nowhere on the way back from the airport on Sunday night, and a little bit of past-related emotional turbulence. Add to that a verrrry busy week, fabric shopping to do today, open days and tea parties, and sadly flu-induced yoga time-out.

But on the extremely bright side, in three weeks I will be packing (lightly) to go to Thailand, and next weekend I will be fiercely jamming at The Killers.

So perhaps I need to lay off the chocolate and staunch those tears!

Here are some sparkly bits that cheered me up on J Crew. I have to get to the States next year...I am dying to get into this shop!!!

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