I've moved this blog to WORDPRESS, so click here.
Monday, 28 June 2010
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Winter open days tomorrow and Friday!
Don't miss them! AND bring a new-to-Friends-with-Jenny-friend and get 10% off all your purchases!
Click here for the map. Click on image to enlarge.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
I've been bad with posts of late. Yesterday was a blue Monday and all I did was mope about the internet and dip rusks in tea. A productive day then.
I'm in the process of moving this blog to Wordpress, so that's been consuming my time. It's not as easy as they make out, and to get everything pretty and working is a bit of a mission for those of us (me) who are not technically-minded. Anyhoo, it's still not what I want it to be and I think the answer lies in self-hosting so that I can add all the bits and pieces (ads and plugins) I want. I'll keep you posted on developments!
I have a few girl crushes, but Giselle tops my list. When I grow up I'd like to look like her, thanks. This is her, post-baby. Horrible, right?
Friday, 18 June 2010
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Man I want one of these! I love a cup of tea, I love a porcelain mug to drink it out of (mug, not cup), and I love tea gadgets that make for the most perfect brew.
Doesn't this little tea goodie look divine? So clever (and pretty too!).
If you'd like to receive a weekly newsletter from Friends with Jenny, sign up on the website.
Back in Jo'burg
After five days in Cape Town I'm back in Jo'burg (via the Gautrain, which is SOOOOOO awesome!). The atmosphere countrywide on Friday was electrifying! Cape Town was abuzz with vuvuzelas and thrumming with people speaking in a multitude of accents. It was truly a wonderful experience!
On Monday night we watched the Italy/Paraguay match and although it was not the most exciting game, and I’m not the most educated when it comes to soccer, it was wonderful to see the Greenpoint stadium (which is gorgeous) and be part of the masses heading for the game. It was bitterly cold though, so I was most pleased that I had thought ahead and bought a rain coat, and also brought all my fleecy goodies from Jo’burg!
The weather is certainly wintery at the moment. FREEZING. And wrapped up in a blanket on the couch last night, I felt pretty devastated at Bafana’s loss. It really put a damper on the World Cup spirit!
This new stock from Michelle Ludek has improved my mood though. Isn't it lovely?
Cosmic dress available in mocha.
Ella top available in light grey.
Kalin dress available in black.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Friends with Jenny winter OPEN DAYS! Jo'burg!
Please join us to view the FWJ winter collection! Click on image to enlarge. Map to venue here.

To RSVP email info(at)friendswithjenny(dot)co(dot)za or click here.
AND bring your friends who don't yet know about Friends with Jenny and receive a 10% discount an all your purchases!
Monday, 14 June 2010
Monday reading
It's a rainy Monday in Cape Town. A perfect day for staying in bed...if that were an option! Yoga'd this morning at the stunning Yoga Life (Capetonians you need to try out this new studio! Gorgeous!), and work to be done before the Paraguay/Italy game this evening (beanie, check! Gloves, check! Raincoat, check!).
Here's your weekly Style Candy reading - tie dye is back!
Here's your weekly Style Candy reading - tie dye is back!
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Cape Town appointments
Just a quick note to let the Cape Town ladies know that Friends with Jenny will be in Cape Town this weekend, until next Wednesday. So if you’d like to see some of the new winter stock, or you’ve seen something in one of our mailers or on the website that you’re dying to try on, book an appointment today! (Email info at friendswithjenny dot co dot za)
Enjoy all the football feeeeeeever!
Enjoy all the football feeeeeeever!
Today I'm feeling super excited (and pretty damn cold). World Cup mania is upon the whole of South Africa, and it's not really even about the soccer. It's about a country that really knows how to pull it together when we need to, and how to really have a party. We’re not afraid of a little noise and a little colour. There are smiles all round at the moment, even in the traffic!
Last night I ate delicious Thai food with friends that are always good company. We drank wine, ate hot and spicy food with sticky rice, and decided that although the Thai really know how to make amazing dishes, their desserts really fall short of yummy. To be honest, they are just plain weird! :)
I wish I could take today and tomorrow off and really enjoy the carnival atmosphere. It certainly feels that no one wants to work at the moment!
My body is feeling tired and a little grumpy because I’ve been filling it with quite a lot of sugar lately. I continue to struggle serious sweet cravings!
I’m waking up at night thinking about work, selling, winter stock and summer fabrics. It’s not altogether fun.
Tomorrow I'm off to Cape Town to catch a World Cup game and extend the weekend into a long weekend (next Wednesday is a public holiday).
Last night I ate delicious Thai food with friends that are always good company. We drank wine, ate hot and spicy food with sticky rice, and decided that although the Thai really know how to make amazing dishes, their desserts really fall short of yummy. To be honest, they are just plain weird! :)
I wish I could take today and tomorrow off and really enjoy the carnival atmosphere. It certainly feels that no one wants to work at the moment!
My body is feeling tired and a little grumpy because I’ve been filling it with quite a lot of sugar lately. I continue to struggle serious sweet cravings!
I’m waking up at night thinking about work, selling, winter stock and summer fabrics. It’s not altogether fun.
Tomorrow I'm off to Cape Town to catch a World Cup game and extend the weekend into a long weekend (next Wednesday is a public holiday).
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Too much information?
It’s sometimes called a ‘vart’ and sometimes a ‘queef’, but always called ‘embarrassing’. A, ahem, friend of mine experienced this in yoga this morning; a very common event apparently, especially in inverted postures. It’s pretty startling, induces immediate mortification and seems to be worse at some times than others.
I did a little web research and it seems some women actually stop practising yoga because they are so terrified of the audible and uncontrollable vart. Seems pretty sad to me, especially when you think that it’s just air and is not accompanied by any smelliness, unlike its cousin the fart. And it's pretty damn funny too, when you think about it. Perhaps the best thing is to giggle and let it all out? I guess it does depend if you're varting next a man or a woman!
Anyone have some stories to share? Feel free to post anonymously ;-)
Now look at this back. What's a little vart when the destination is a strong, lean, toned body and a healthy mind?
I did a little web research and it seems some women actually stop practising yoga because they are so terrified of the audible and uncontrollable vart. Seems pretty sad to me, especially when you think that it’s just air and is not accompanied by any smelliness, unlike its cousin the fart. And it's pretty damn funny too, when you think about it. Perhaps the best thing is to giggle and let it all out? I guess it does depend if you're varting next a man or a woman!
Anyone have some stories to share? Feel free to post anonymously ;-)
Now look at this back. What's a little vart when the destination is a strong, lean, toned body and a healthy mind?
Too pretty Carmen Kass via Knight Cat
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Yes, I’m feeling it. You're damn right: it is here. I saw a big Slovenia-branded bus parked outside the Hyde Park hotel (so groupies, you know where to go) and decided it was time to buy the flag, squish it between the window and door on my car and get patriotic. I think I’ve been feeling a little ‘blah’ about the World Cup because we’ve been talking about it for how long? The media killed the world cup star, if you ask me ;-)
I’m having a terrific back day today. I felt limber and elastic in yoga this morning (watch, I’ll feel like I’ve had my vertebrae super-glued together tomorrow morning), although tired. I’m going to blame the lethargy on the moon and the fact that it’s new moon on Saturday. It’s easier than blaming it on high GI foods right? (No-one mention condensed milk. *Blush*.)
This little outfit is so up my street. I love to mix things that would not normally be paired together: a pretty, pretty anglaise dress and Chucks for example.
I’m having a terrific back day today. I felt limber and elastic in yoga this morning (watch, I’ll feel like I’ve had my vertebrae super-glued together tomorrow morning), although tired. I’m going to blame the lethargy on the moon and the fact that it’s new moon on Saturday. It’s easier than blaming it on high GI foods right? (No-one mention condensed milk. *Blush*.)
This little outfit is so up my street. I love to mix things that would not normally be paired together: a pretty, pretty anglaise dress and Chucks for example.
Image via the Mr Price Blog.
Monday, 7 June 2010
Friday, 4 June 2010
I'm doing some writing/editing/proofreading on the side. It's another passion (hence the blog :)). So if you or someone you know needs a freelancer, here's the info. Thanks xx
On another note, how cool is it that the Gautrain is up and running? And it's super quick too apparently. I need to find an excuse to head to the airport and try it out!
Phew, I'm all over the place today! It must be the vuvuzelas in my complex: someone is feeling the need to practise. Delightful. I will be wearing earplugs to all the games I'm going to. Premature deafness is not my thing.
Tie dye is coming back in a big way. What do we think about it? I can't help shake the rainbow-hued-concentric-circle hippie connotations I have though...
Image via Fashion Chalet
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Home sweet home!
Phew my house is freezing today! Brrrrrrrr. I'm an ice-block! And the thought of venturing outdoors to walk the two maniac puppies is not making me feel enthusiastic. Although the thought of not walking them, and the extra energy they'll then have for creative chewing, is enough to send me flying out the door! They are in fact also pretty good company (especially when The Boy is in Cape Town).
Today I'd like to be living here:
So lovely! An apartment in Stockholm (found via Simple Blueprint).
South Africa is buzzing!
I’m not sure what I’m more excited about: the World Cup starting in eight days or the fact that our roads are going back to normal after years of construction and road works! Whichever it is though, South Africa is thrumming with anticipation and each time a new team lands on our soil, the enthusiasm catapults up a level! I’m still trying to get over the fact that it’s June (crikey, how did that happen?), but the idea that South Africa will be taking centre stage for over a month of festivities is really something to grin about. We'll be in the spotlight for something entirely positive for a change!
I think that for the next week I’m going to be entirely soccer-ed up: I’ll be donning soccer tees and wearing them with pride. Of course, they won’t be green and yellow combinations in polyester. They’ll be Friends with Jenny soccer tees that are seriously cute and seriously wearable in softest cotton, a fabulous cut and complexion-friendly colours. Now that's Ayoba!
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
New stock!
YAY, we have new stock! Check out the website!
Grey mesh cropped top with draping detail (awesome layering item!)
Gotta love leggings! We've got a gorgeous silver sequin print pair and a matt bronze pair, both with ruching detail at the ankle!
Soccer support
I've never been a massive soccer fan, but looking at these photos I think I might just change my mind...
WOWSER. Hotness.
(Top image from The Frock Report)
You can get your soccer supporting tees from Friends with Jenny - proudly South African and a beautiful fit...can you ask for more?! Click here.
You can get your soccer supporting tees from Friends with Jenny - proudly South African and a beautiful fit...can you ask for more?! Click here.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Monday reading: Barcelona
Phew! Busy day ahead! Here's your Monday reading - the beauty of Barcelona! Enjoy!
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Ah, cuteness
The cold has got me. And no I'm not talking about the weather, but rather about the germ. Winter cold germs, damn you! So I'm sniff sniffing my way through this blog post and about to follow the doctor's advice and get into bed...well at least for a bit anyway!
On that note, how cute are these yoga dogs? Have you ever!? Brings new meaning to 'downward facing dog'!
I'm house-sitting my parents' house this week and enjoying spending time with the two pups we acquired (or maybe they acquired us?) a few months ago. Bentley and Lulu. Naughty as all hell, but so damn cute when they wake me up in the morning with nudges and licks and sparkly eyes. Who could get mad?!
On that note, how cute are these yoga dogs? Have you ever!? Brings new meaning to 'downward facing dog'!
See more here.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Monday reading on a Tuesday
Well I had a DREAMY time in London and Barcelona. Retail heaven I tell you! It's phenomenal! I did manage to pick something up from the germ infested tubes and/or planes though, so I'm going to be spending most of today in bed and not unpacking and getting up-to-date with the mountain of work I have to do! ARGH.
Here's the Style Scoop reading you may have missed while I was occupying fitting rooms: I wrote a little something on bras and belts. Both wardrobe essentials!
Have a lovely Tuesday!
Here's the Style Scoop reading you may have missed while I was occupying fitting rooms: I wrote a little something on bras and belts. Both wardrobe essentials!
Have a lovely Tuesday!
Friday, 21 May 2010
Plus sized?
Whenever there's a plus sized model in a fashion magazine there's a whole lot of hoopla, and although I do think it's an improvement on years gone by, it seems to me that it's a trend thing, a marketing tool, and not a norm. Do the girls below look plus sized to you? (And how demeaning is the term 'plus sized model' anyway? A model is a model is a model right?). I think they look fabulous - healthy, toned and fit - and maybe this is the way we create a new normal. I just hope it sticks - it's going to be hard to break the skinny = beautiful mindset.
Images via Fashion Gone Rogue
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Claudia cover
You have to be an alien to look this good pregnant (and when you're not as young as you used to be). Photoshop or no Photoshop!
Monday, 17 May 2010
I'm away walking the streets of London and Barcelona (yip, you'll see the pics!), so here's the first of my scheduled posts. Enjoy!
I have a girl crush on Diane Kruger. It's the legs. And in these pics by Garance it's also her laughter and exuberance. She looks like a fun girl, right?
I'm also mad for women in hats. It's unexpected, sometimes requires a bit of chutzpah to pull off, and if you have the right face for it, can be oh so pretty!
I have a girl crush on Diane Kruger. It's the legs. And in these pics by Garance it's also her laughter and exuberance. She looks like a fun girl, right?
I'm also mad for women in hats. It's unexpected, sometimes requires a bit of chutzpah to pull off, and if you have the right face for it, can be oh so pretty!
Friday, 14 May 2010
Things I'm loving today...
Just the right amount of bling on a simple, easy tee/vest
I adore statement cocktail rings - the bigger the better!
How cute is the little fawn? One of life's simple pleasures are fresh cut flowers!
Nothing better than a super yummy, moist and delicious cupcake!
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Do you repel men?
This website (Man Repeller) makes me guffaw (isn't that a cool word?). Mainly because I've heard it all before. The boyfriend doesn't get harem pants, fashion-forward hairdos, oversized anything and scarlet lips. He'd roll about laughing if I wore dungarees (ok, and so might I) and he sighs when I put on my slouchy boyfriend jeans.
Men are essentially a simple species. They like their women in short things, tight things and cleavage revealing things. High heels are good (but not if they send you home early because you can't walk), but boyish brogues usually get a frown. They want simple femininity, so if you veer happily towards summer dresses, bare legs and prettiness you're usually sure of getting a second glance.
Women however dress for other women (and their gay male friends). And that's what makes us want to wear cage shoes, gladiator sandals (otherwise known by the male species as 'Jesus shoes'), drop crotch pants, layers of lip gloss and rolled up mannish pants with a white collared shirt (aka dressing like a man).
I get it. I sometimes (and especially with the current trends) also look at other women and say "crikey, that's really 80's!", but then I'm probably just envious of their ability to pull off a hard-to-wear look with such nonchalance.
So, in the end I'll carry on browsing the street style blogs and feeling inspired, and I'll carry on wearing paper-bag pants, shoulder detailed tops (read: shoulder pads) and my favorite very red lip - who cares what the men think anyway?!
Oh, and S told me that her male friends refer to her Birkenstocks as Birth Control. Nice.
Oh, and S told me that her male friends refer to her Birkenstocks as Birth Control. Nice.
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
I'm starting to get super excited for my trip to London and Barcelona...YIPPEE! I fly on Saturday, and along with getting everything organised (and there's suddenly always tons of stuff that needs organising right before I go away!), I'm making a list of all the must-do places in both cities.
I've been to London many times, but Barcelona is uncharted territory! Any of you stylish people out there have any shops I have to go to?
One of my favorite shops is Reiss. I never fail to find lovely, pretty, timeless and top quality goodies here. Take a look at what they've got online for SS10:
I've been to London many times, but Barcelona is uncharted territory! Any of you stylish people out there have any shops I have to go to?
One of my favorite shops is Reiss. I never fail to find lovely, pretty, timeless and top quality goodies here. Take a look at what they've got online for SS10:
Loving all the buff, nude colours!
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